Space only stand

If you have not booked a shell scheme stand, you are responsible for designing and constructing your own stand. You will not receive any items from the Organisers, so remember to order your carpet/flooring and electrics for the area.

All invoices are sent to the exhibitor. Standbuilders will have to arrange themselves with exhibitors for payment arrangements if necessary.

Both the exhibitor and the contractor must dismantle and remove the stand structure according to the Exhibition Schedule. All debris and carpets must be cleared by the exhibitors and/or their contractors by the specified time. Otherwise, they may be liable for service fees.

The contractor must submit all plans to Opssquad for approval before the deadline. The deadline date for all plan submissions is 6th September 2024. Please send them to or call +44 (0) 1293 401051.

The plans should include detailed drawings of elevations, layout and perspective with dimensions, showing the design of the stand. The locations of all equipment/machinery on display should also be indicated on the layout. Any booths with covered ceilings or double-story designs will need special approval from the relevant authorities.

The maximum height of the stand should not exceed 4000mm, unless you have obtained permission from the operations team. In that case, you must submit technical drawings with dimensions, a full risk assessment and a method statement for approval, otherwise you will not be allowed to build your stand. The deadline for these documents is also Friday 6th September 2024

Space Only exhibitors are required to bring their own walls. If the stand is a Pop-Up stand walls will also be required. If the exhibitor does not bring walls for its stand it will have to puchase Shell Scheme walls.

If you plan to have a raised floor, a ramp will be mandatory once your raised floor is elevated to at least 50mm, the width of the ramp has to be of minimum 800mm. 1 ramp is required for every 25sqm, please be aware that ramps will not be allowed outside of the stand area and will not be allowed to go on the aisle.

We have partnered up with a company called WOW Holland, who is the official Space Only contractor for the show. They can provide bespoke stand ideas at very competitive prices and manage your stand from start to finish. Please visit their website to learn more about them and see examples of their work.

If you would like a design and a proposal for your stand, please contact Mia Hallums.

stand plans requirements

These plans must include detailed drawings of your stand with the following;
1) Stand plans must include all dimensions, detail build materials, include at minimum a ground plan and elevation drawing, include any inflatables or rigged elements, prove the structural stability, be specifically for this exhibition

2)  Your stand constructor’s public liability insurance

3)  A detailed Risk Assessment which must include details of any unusual exhibits or activities on the stand (any machinery, working kitchens, moving visitor attractions)
• A Method Statement
• A Health & Safety Declaration
• A Construction Phase Plan

4) All documents must be submitted in English and should clearly state the exhibiting company’s name, stand number and the contact name and company of the person responsible for the stand build.

5) Approval must not be assumed until written approval is received. Once approval has been received no alteration may be made to the approved design without further approval being sought.
Things to consider:
• A minimum of 50% of the stand is to remain open

  • please ensure any storage areas have vision panels. 
  • If you are having  a raised floor over 150mm high, you will need to provide a ramp to ensure access to the stand. 

• On divided sites it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to erect and decorate any back wall facing other stand areas, up to the height you are building
• You are not permitted to build over 4000mm
• Space only stands building over 2500mm should decorate both the front and the back of the panels – no advertising materials must be displayed onto neighbouring stands
• All construction and displays must be made from fireproofed materials and installed to the satisfaction of the authorities – please refer to the sections on SAFETY REGULATIONS and STAND ASSEMBLY AND DISMANTLING when drawing up your plans.


AntwerpXL hosts exhibitors from every corner of the market, from freight forwarders to ports. Check out the exhibitor list to see who you can meet at the show.