04-06 November 2025

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Baltimore Key Bridge collapse – updates: Bodies of two victims pulled from river as disaster timeline revealed

East coast port city’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed into Patapsco River on Tuesday after cargo ship collided with crucial support, leaving at least six construction workers dead.

The first two bodies have been pulled from the Patapsco River after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, as officials suspended recovery operations citing safety concerns for divers and an inability to reach vehicles still trapped within the submerged remains of the structure.

The men have been identified as Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes, 35, and Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, 26.

Six men – all construction workers employed repairing potholes on the bridge when the Dali container cargo ship collided with one of its supports and brought it down in the early hours of Tuesday morning – were unaccounted for in the aftermath of the disaster.

A rescue effort was called off on Tuesday night as Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said there was no hope of finding the men alive due to the frigid water and the length of time since the accident.

Her organisation switched to a recovery effort on Wednesday morning.

Officials say they do not know when the bridge or port will be reopened, sparking fears about the disruption to trade likely to result from the tragedy.

The busy Port of Baltimore employs 8,000 area residents, generating $2m a day in wages.

Source: The Independent

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